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BC Paralegal Association submits Response to the Ministry of Attorney General's Intentions Paper

BC Paralegal Association submits Response to the Ministry of Attorney General's Intentions Paper

Between March and June 2022, the Ministry of Attorney General held several panel meetings with representatives from the Law Society, the Notaries Society, and the BC Paralegal Association (the "BCPA") seeking information about elements of a new regulatory framework in BC for legal professionals which would include lawyers, notaries, and paralegals.  The information provided in these panel meetings assisted the Ministry in preparing its Intentions Paper released September 14, 2022.

Attached is the BCPA's full response to the Intentions Paper.  The BCPA is highly supportive of initiatives aimed at increasing access to justice in our Province and remains highly engaged in this process.

Have a comment?  Please send your comments to the BC Paralegal Association at

 December 02, 2022